家长和学生,大家好! 为大家身体健康,在疫情期间想继续学习绘画的学生,希望家长或学生直接电话联系:204-228-8479;或微信随时联系留言。谢谢! Dear Parents and students how are you during this difficult time? We are resuming classes in September and w e are taking precautions in our classes to ensure everyone's good health and safety. Hand Sanitizer will be provided Physical Distancing - 6 feet apart Smaller class sizes 1 to 1 instruction Students who want to continue to learn painting during the COVID-19 period, hope that parents or students can contact us directly at any time: 204-228-8479; or WeChat can leave a message at any time. Thank you! Teacher Guan

特此通知 关氏画苑根据温尼伯新冠状病毒人数的增加,从3月16日关闭,什么时候恢复上课,要看温尼伯疫情情况而定。谢谢大家的支持和协作!另外需要继续在家做绘画练习的,请单个微信联系和商量。闭门在家期间,会为每个家庭和学生的健康祷告。 为学生的健康,近段时间尽量不要外出四处活动,不恐惧,但要小心注意你与身边接触的人,还有温馨提醒不能保证家长在外工作环境没有感染病毒携带者,群体接触是复杂的,希望保重,有健康才有未来和梦想的实现,愿你们幸福、健康、平安! 关波老师 2020 3 18 Currently we have suspended all classes until further notice. We will be monitoring the situation and will let you know when we will be allowing classes to resume. Proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others: 1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the washroom and when preparing food - use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available 2. when coughing or sneezing: - cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand - dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined wastebasket and wash your hands afterwards - avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands 3. Clean the following high-touch surfaces frequently with regular household cleaners or diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water): - toys - toilets - phones - electronics - door handles - bedside tables - television remotes Thank you, be safe and God Bless. We will notify you when classes will be resuming. Teacher Guan
愿大家同心共一起战胜度目前新冠状病毒的艰难时期! 关氏画苑预计将在4 月2020年恢复正常绘画课的时间。 以下是上绘画前要注意的事项: 1. 请学生和学生家长确认一下需要学生绘画课的时间是否需要调整。 2. 请学生和家长共同遵守自己计划绘画课的时间。 3. 请学生和家长互相提醒,遵守自己上课的时间,按时结束自己的绘画课, 若需绘延长时间,请让我知道。

This is our new website, we are committed to showing the world the art our students create in our specialty art classes and small class size. Please check out our Children Art Students area of the website. We will continue to update our students portfolio in coming months. 这是我们的新网站,我们致力于向世界展示我们学生在基础学习绘画艺术中的天赐才能。 请查看我们的网站,绘画学生作品区。 我们将在未来几个月内继续更新我们的学生绘画作品。